
Untitled, by Diana Maus, http://mosaicmoods.wordpress.com/

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring Snow

Totally amazing!
Unbelievingly awesome!
the April buds winking at me
with childlike eyes,
wrinkling their noses
under the slight skiff
of Spring Snow.

A moment of disbelief.
Each pale green bud
 precisely covered
 with cotton white.
Hundreds and hundreds;
touched by some hidden hand
wielding a brush filled with
snowy flake,

Viewed by one
whose breath is caught
in a moment of disbelief.
Take a deep breath
and wrinkle your nose.
O the joy of life.

– Sue

Such moments have saved me from myself. I jerk my soul back from its inherent narcissism and sense the larger picture.  A moment of the Great Teacher.

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