
Untitled, by Diana Maus, http://mosaicmoods.wordpress.com/

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Leap the Abyss

            James Broughton, poet and film producer, writes that "You are closer to glory leaping an abyss than upholstering a rut."  This is certainly more heartening than Woody Allen's recent quote that he is "fighting off morbid resignation" at age 70.  Oh, how dreadful!
            Dealing with age and the idea of mortality requires a personally well-constructed mindset. Both Broughton and Allen are controversial personalities who have, at times, shocked society with their rather out-of-the-mold persona.  Yet, there they are, Broughton now dead, and Allen at a rather advanced age, each dealing with the inevitable in different ways, with personal mindsets, which proves that what works for one doesn't always work for another.
             Those with a solid religious background seem to deal better with the idea of death than those who believe that the grave is the final answer.  But this is a gross generalization that I don't want to have to defend.  Percentages are known to lie.  Lying somewhere between each of these two extremes are those of us who are admittedly unsure about what lies beyond.  We shrug and say, "Surprise me."  Some concern themselves with doing something productive while on this earth and others drink.  Take your choice, but as Broughton said, dancing through life is better than life in a dismal worrisome rut.